Learning, Teaching and Quality Committee

Composition Membership
Deputy Vice-Chancellor & Provost or their nominee:
Pro Vice Chancellor (Student Education) [Chair]
Prof Leigh Robinson
Academic Registrar Ranjit Sahota
Director, Graduate School Professor Ted Vallance
Dean of Students Professor Marilyn Holness
Head of eLearning Technical Innovation & Development Matthew Vose
Head of Educational Development Jo Peat
Head of Academic Office Gillian Baldwin
Head of Strategic Planning Dr Emily Lodge
University Librarian (or nominee) Susan Scorey
Head of Careers and Placements  Julie Powell (interim)
Director of Continuing Education Lucy Arnold-Courtney
Dean of Faculty/School (or delegate)
Apprenticeship Policy and Operations Group (APOG) Vacancy
Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Dr Judith Broadbent
Dr Fiona McHardy
Continuing Education Charlotte Gorse (Interim)
Business and Law Dr Miral Gibson
Education Dr Sarah O'Flynn
Life & Health Sciences Dr Sue Reeves
Psychology Dr Lottie Rowe
Representative from RSU:  
Vice-President (Education)
Laura Johnson
Senior Quality Officer Jacqueline James

The DVC & Provost has the right to attend any meeting, or send a nominee.

Terms of Reference 2022/23

To act with delegated authority on behalf of Senate, except on matters of principle, and report to Senate on all matters relating to learning and teaching development and the quality and standards of academic provision. In particular:


  1. to develop policy on quality assurance and learning and teaching enhancement issues;
  2. to approve learning and teaching and assessment strategies in order to enhance the quality of academic provision for achieving high student outcomes at Roehampton and its collaborative partners;
  3. to approve processes to ensure the integrity of the academic standards of the academic provision wherever and however delivered;
  4. to develop a strategic approach for supporting student employability;
  5. to develop a strategic approach to maximising the student experience, wherever and however they study for a Roehampton award;
  6. to review and make recommendations to Senate on the Taught Academic Regulations.


  1. to consider reports on the student experience and student outcomes, including undergraduate and postgraduate student satisfaction, continuation, completion and progression and make recommendations for action;
  2. to receive and respond to reports of academic inspections and audits of Roehampton by external agencies including OFSTED and PSRBs;
  3. to receive and monitor the student education improvement plans (SEIPs) produced annually by academic faculty and schools and the subseqent progress updates on plans;
  4. to receive reports from the Student Experience and Outcomes Panel (SEOP) and associated working groups;
  5. to monitor the implementation of the Student Education Enabling Strategy;
  6. to receive and respond to internal and external student satisfaction surveys, including MES, NSS, PTES and Graduate Outcomes reports;
  7. to ensure that employability-related aspects of the curriculum are effectively delivered, monitored and quality assured;
  8. To submit an annual report to Senate.

Updated: December 2022