The Faith Long Lived project (funded by the Susanna Wesley Foundation, from January 2022) investigates empirically and theoretically the experience of saying the creed in
the context of Christian worship in some of the local faith communities in the Roehampton area, including Barnes Methodist Church. Rather than exploring what individuals might or might not know about the history and doctrines surrounding the creed, and the role the creed might play in the life of the church, our primary research focus is what it feels like for individuals to say the creed over the course of a long life of faith. The emphasis is on using qualitative research methods to hear the accounts of ‘older’ Christians, within the University’s locality, form a variety of Christian traditions. These qualitative accounts are reflected on in the light of the scholarship – theological and historical – of the Creeds.
Principal Investigator: Dr. Ashley Cocksworth
Co-Investigators: Dr. Andrew Rogers and Dr. Clare Watkins