Foundation Liaison Group

Terms of Reference

The Foundation Liaison Group was formed to encourage the development of a University ethos, the maintenance of college ethos, and a spirit of ecumenism at a strategic level.

Composition Membership
The Vice-Chancellor (Chair*) Professor Jean-Noël Ezingeard
The Chairs of College Liaison Groups:
Digby Stuart College Liaison Group
Froebel College Committee
Southlands College Liaison Group
Whitelands Council of Management
Sister Cath Lloyd
Mark Neale
Reverend Dr Tim McQuiban
Dr Priscilla Chadwick
University Secretary Dr George Turner
Secretary to the Foundation Liaison Group Eleanor Merrick
In attendance: From time to time other members of staff may be invited as appropriate, or for specific items.


The Chair of the Foundation Group will rotate between all members annually. *The Group decided that the Vice-Chancellor should act as Chair pro tem.


Twice a year

Recommended in the Chaplaincy Review

Approved by Senate, November 2013
Updated: December 2020