University Executive Board (UEB)

Terms of Reference

As Chief Executive Officer of the University, the Vice-Chancellor is responsible under our Articles of Association for:

  • Implementing the objects of the University
  • The organisation, direction and management of the University and leadership of its staff
  • Reporting regularly to Council on the activities of the University and the Senate

Under the University's Articles of Association, the Vice-Chancellor may establish an executive committee, referred to herein as the Executive Board, to assist them in discharging their role. The terms of reference of the Executive Board are subject to the approval of Council.

Subject to the general control and approval of Council and Senate, the Executive Board shall have the following responsibilities and powers:

  1. To assist and advise the Vice-Chancellor in discharging their role as Chief Executive Officer of the University.
  2. To assist and advise the Vice-Chancellor on the implementation of the objects of the University.
  3. To assist and advise the Vice-Chancellor on the organisation, direction and management of the University and its staff, including matters relating to staff performance.
  4. To formulate, plan and oversee the implementation of University strategy, policies and procedures.
  5. To oversee and implement budget-setting processes and ensure the efficient allocation of University resources.
  6. To approve the University's equality, diversity and inclusion plan and objectives.
  7. To monitor the implementation of University strategy at a departmental level, ensuring that targets and KPIs are being met.
  8. To consider and approve major institutional projects and ensure adequate arrangements are in place for monitoring their implementation.
  9. To enter collaborative partnerships with other organisations.
  10. To ensure effective steps are taken to manage and enhance the University's external reputation.
  11. To monitor and respond to developments in the external environment, including Government policy.
  12. To ensure the effective implementation of University policies and procedures in relation to compliance, risk management and internal control.
  13. To oversee liaison with the University's providing bodies and subsidiary companies.
  14. To consider matters referred to it by other committees including Senate and Council and take such action as is expedient in the circumstances.
  15. To resolve mission-critical operational issues that cannot otherwise be resolved by the relevant department.

The Executive Board may:

  • Establish boards, groups and committees with specific remits, in order to carry out its business and, where it deems appropriate, delegate the Executive Board's powers and functions in whole or in part to those bodies;
  • if it considers appropriate, reserve its powers in specific matters, or overturn a decision taken by a body to which its powers or functions have been delegated;
  • Allow the Chair to take action on its behalf between meetings (Chair's Action), and ratify such decisions at the next meeting.

The Chair may choose to consider urgent matters electronically by circulating a proposal to all members of the Board. Decisions shall be made electronically by a majority of the members of the Board confirming their approval to the Chair.

The Vice-Chancellor shall provide a report to each meeting of the University Council that shall include a report on the activities of the Executive Board.

The quorum for Executive Board meetings shall be one third of the membership plus one, to include the Chair and Vice-Chair.

The Vice-Chancellor will identify a Secretary to the Executive Board and may invite other individuals to attend from time to time.


Jean-Noël Ezingeard Vice-Chancellor (Chair)
Anna Gough-Yates Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost (Deputy Chair)
Tom Rowson Chief Operating Officer
George Turner University Secretary
Liam Hurley Director of Strategy and External Relations
Ranjit Sahota Academic Registrar
Andy Lamb Executive Director of Human Resources
Ian Pleace Interim Director of Finance
Richard Keogh PVC (Research and External Engagement)
Laura Peters PVC (Academic Development and Sustainability)
Leigh Robinson PVC (Student Education)
Secretary: Rachael Stone (Head of Vice-Chancellor's Office)

Updated November 2023