The University of Roehampton is committed to maintaining the highest standards of ethical integrity in its research, practice, and teaching. The Research Integrity and Ethics Committee, as a committee of Senate, is charged with ensuring that the University meets its obligations and observes best practice in this area.
In accordance with the Concordat to Support Research Integrity (Universities UK, October 2019) the University seeks to ensure that research is underpinned by the highest standards of rigour and integrity. The University seeks to promote an organisational culture in which high standards of personal conduct are encouraged and expected. It seeks to oppose academic misconduct or fraud and to take appropriate steps to deal fairly, but firmly, in instances where misconduct or fraud is discovered.
The University expects all researchers to consider the ethical and legal implications of their research and to be aware of their responsibilities to society, the environment, their profession, the University, regulatory bodies, sponsors and research participants. All research that involves humans or animals potentially gives rise to ethical issues. Research projects involving humans are subjected to an appropriate level of ethical scrutiny prior to the commencement of the research and all ethics applications are submitted for review as necessary under the procedures of the University of Roehampton’s Research Integrity and Ethics Committee. Researchers are responsible for the self-referral of their research projects for ethics approval. This is so that researchers reflect on ethical best practice and ensure that they protect themselves against any ethical issues that may arise in relation to their research.
The following should be considered for all research:
- Any research projects using animals, human beings as participants, or personal data relating to human beings requires ethics approval.
- Compliance with the University’s Ethics Guidelines and the guidelines of appropriate external Ethical Committees is essential.
- Any special standards of work performance and ethical conduct imposed by law, Research Councils, other funders of research, professional or statutory bodies or by the University in relation to particular categories of research must be adhered to.
- Experimentation on animals is strictly controlled by the Home Office and can only be conducted by licensees in accordance with the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act of 1986.
External involvement in the funding of research or other projects is welcomed by the University but at the same time the University must maintain its integrity and uphold its values. It is important that funding should not be sought or accepted from any source to undertake a research or other project, the aims and objectives of which would conflict with the University's values or undermine the integrity of the University.
The University of Roehampton Ethics procedures and guidelines can be found at https://www.roehampton.ac.uk/research/ethics/