Roehampton Service User and Carer Forum (made up of staff, service users and carers from across the School of Life and Health Sciences and School of Psychology) held a highly successful and well attended conference in September this year.

Titled 'co-producing professional healthcare education; how do we all work together' this was the first conference to focus upon service user and carer co-production in higher education. Co-produced keynotes from University of Central Lancashire and the Cassel Hospital began the day, with a series of creative workshops and presentations running in the afternoon including many moving and impactful moments. Delegates came from all over the country from a broad range of settings, and the conference highlighted the fantastic work that is taking place across the UK and the importance of sharing and developing this work together. Exploring the main theme of co-production in higher education, themes that emerged were empowerment and being able to speak out, how to work in partnership and navigating the tensions, and the challenges and opportunities in this work.
Attendees of the conference said:
'What an amazing conference... encompassing creativity as well as presentations, a chance to learn from someone else's expertise as well as learning something about ourselves.'
'Brilliant. SO much to take away, think about and implement.'
The conference team, Hannah Cadogan, Aly Price and Tessa Watson (pictured below) said 'this conference has highlighted the importance of professionals working together in co-production with service users and has emphasised the work that remains to be done in this area.' Outputs from the conference include a nationwide network (HENCoP), an art installation (by Alban Low, above), and a publication will follow.
If you are interested in hearing more about the Roehampton's service user and carer forum or the HENCoP network please contact Aly, Hannah or Tessa.
Find out more about the courses we offer at Roehampton's School of Life and Health Sciences and School of Psychology.