/ Short Courses /

Art Psychotherapy Introduction Course

Certification of attendance

Start date:

August 2024


Places are awarded on a "first paid first serve" basis due to demand

Cost / delivery:

£175 / 1 day, (10am – 4.30pm)

This one-day workshop provides an accessible and engaging introduction to the study of Art Psychotherapy.

What you will gain

Participants will develop an understanding of Art Psychotherapy and learn about the creative processes involved in this therapeutic modality.

Outcomes / what you will learn

This day will provide direct experiential learning based on the principles which underpin art therapeutic practice.

It focuses on the ethos of the training taught on the Postgraduate MA course at the University of Roehampton.

This workshop will explore the richness of human creativity and expression, making links to the group processes and art therapeutic relationship, shedding light on the non-verbal communication.

An electronic certificate of attendance will be emailed on successful course completion.

Intended audience

The day will be useful for those who are considering studying Art Psychotherapy at higher educational level and also those wanting to explore art making in a unique environment, enabling members to reflect on their motivations, skills and experiences.

Participants will be invited to engage in a range of art making practical sessions and group discussions exploring their own personal symbols and unconscious imagery in a safe and facilitating environment.

Comfortable clothing should be worn suitable for making art in. A degree of active participation will be expected from all participants.

Suggested reading

Adamson, E. (1990) Art as Healing. Coventure: London.

Case, C. and Dalley, T. (2006) The Handbook of Art Therapy. Routledge: London.

Dalley, T. (ed.) (1984) Art as Therapy: An Introduction to the Use of Art as a Therapeutic Technique. London: Tavistock. Dalley, T. et al. (1987)

Images of Art Therapy. London: Tavistock.

Edwards, D. (2014) Art Therapy: Creative Therapies in Practice. 2nd Edition. Sage: London

Estés, C.P. (1992) Women Who Run With the Wolves: Contacting the Power of the Wild Woman.Rider.

Jung, C.G. (1935) Analytical Psychology: Its Theory and Practice. The Tavistock Lectures. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1968.

Jung, C.G. (1963) Memories, Dreams, Reflections. London: Fontana.

Jung C.G. (1957) The Undiscovered Self: With Symbols and the Interpretation of Dreams.Mentor.

Jung, C.G. and von Franz, M.-L. et al. (eds) (1964) Man and His Symbols. London: Aldus.

Killick, K. and Schavaerien, J. (eds) (1997) Art, Psychotherapy and Psychosis. London:Routledge.

Schaverien, J. (1999) The Revealing Image: Analytical Art Psychotherapy in Theory and Practice. Jessica Kingsley Publishers. London.

Skaiffe, S. and Huet, V. (1998) Art Psychotherapy Groups: Between Pictures and Words. London: Routledge

Materials required

For the online course you will need A4 and A3 drawing sheets, modelling clay, oil pastels, colouring pencils, graphite pencils, erasers, felt-tip pens, chalk pastels, charcoal sticks, watercolours, acrylic paints, paintbrushes.

Please note that this is a suggestion only and not a course requirement.


Grigoris Tzouras

Online Tutor

Grigoris is a Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) registered Art Psychotherapist and a full member of the British Association of Art Therapists (BAAT) with experience of working in the National Health Service (NHS) with adults and young people, offering mental health care for patients with personal problems and severe mental health illnesses.

Grigoris has also worked at Young Persons’ Services delivering a multi-component risk reduction programmes for young people who are vulnerable to risk taking behaviour including drug and alcohol use, early and unprotected sex and offending. Currently, he is employed by two NHS Trusts where he delivers group and individual art psychotherapy sessions and assessments at adult in-patient acute psychiatric units.

Grigoris teaches Art Psychotherapy at both Foundation and Masters Level at the University of Roehampton in London, continuing to develop his identity as an artist, by maintaining his studio practice, commissioning art projects and taking part in art exhibitions and competitions.

Katie Smith

Online Tutor

Katie qualified as an Art Psychotherapist at Goldsmiths University in 1999 and undertook an MA in Advanced Clinical practice also at Goldsmiths in 2006. Since this time, she has worked in a variety of settings including In-patient adult Psychiatry, forensic mental health, CAHMS, Schools, and with children and Families living in refuges through the domestic abuse charity Solace.

In 2016 she completed a PG Cert in Systemic Psychotherapy at the Institute of Family Therapy and integrates systemic thinking into her clinical practice. She prioritises a partnership approach to both her therapy and teaching roles, being curious about the impact of difference, and the scope of intersectionality within the work she does. She currently works part-time within the independent sector and in private practice in South-East London as a supervisor and trauma specialist having completed an additional training in EMDR Psychotherapy in 2022.

Katie has been involved with the MA and Short Courses trainings at Roehampton for many years and supervises Art, Dance Movement Psychotherapy, and Dramatherapy trainees in her current post within adult mental health. She developed the online Art Psychotherapy Foundation in 2020 and enjoys supporting students in their learning journey and personal development through sharing theory, working experientially with the art medium, and through case study exploration of her own clinical practice.

Sign up now

10th August 2024, 10am – 4.30pm