
History Results

Profile 4* 3* 2* 1* u/c
Overall 32 43 25 0 0
Outputs 37.8 44.4 17.8 0 0
Impact 25 25 50 0 0
Environment 22.5 62.5 15 0 0

Case Studies

EM Women NT

Suzannah Lipscomb

Through the research of 1200 cases brought before the governing body of the Protestant church of Languedoc between 1561 and 1615, Professor Suzannah Lipscomb was able to learn more about women’s voice, language and actions during the 16th century. This research and subsequent television programmes, radio appearances, media articles, podcasts and public talks has shaped public understanding of the past.

Surgery and Emotion

Michael Brown

Emotional detachment in surgical practice remains central to popular understandings of effective practice. The Wellcome Trust Investigator Award project ‘Surgery & Emotion’ (2016-20), led by Michael Brown, explores the emotional cultures of British surgery from 1800 to the present and has challenged historical and contemporary preconceptions.