Accommodation for continuing students

We provide the ease to stay on campus, and with friends

At the University of Roehampton, London, continuing students – those moving from one year to the next and on to postgraduate study – can also live in on-campus accommodation.  

This option avoids the additional work and challenges of applying for private accommodation, and means you stay close to your teaching, our campus facilities and your friends.  

We can accommodate a range of lifestyles and choices too. 

Group bookings 

You can make sure you and your friends live together in the same flat, just make sure you include on the notes of your application the names of the people you want to live with, and we will ensure that you’re placed with them. 

Mature students 

If you're a mature student and want to be in a flat with mature students, please let us know via the free text box when you apply for accommodation, so we can do our best to house you with other mature students. 

Quiet flats 

We can offer you the option to live with other students who have an interest in quieter accommodation. Students living in these areas would be expected to adopt a particularly moderated lifestyle within their accommodation in respect of alcohol, parties and noise. If you wish to apply for this type of accommodation, please say yes to the quieter flat option when you complete an application for accommodation. We will endeavour to allocate you with other students who request this type of accommodation. 

Postgraduate students 

There are a limited number of 50-week contract rooms available for postgraduate students. Preference is given to first-year postgraduate students. Postgraduate halls are also offered to undergraduate students who have returned to study after a break. 

Find out more about our accommodation choices