Going to university is meant to provide you with some of the most rewarding experiences of your education and life journey. This is also a moment of change, new experiences, and new adjustments everyone goes through.
How this impact us can be different for each and everyone of us, and there may be times where additional support, guidance, and orientation could help you carry on stronger and more confidently to your goals.
That's why we, Student Support Services, have created a helpful schedule to introduce you to all the resources we offer. We're here to support your transition into university life.
We’re the Wellbeing Team and we’re here for you!
Student Wellbeing Officers
Based in each of our four Colleges, our Student Wellbeing Officers are friendly, supportive staff who can help you with guidance on emotional support resources and direct you to internal and external teams or services for advice on mental health support, personal safety, including harassment and assault, or advice on accessing other support services.
As well as 1:1 appointments, the Wellbeing Officers have bookable daily drop-in slots to meet with you on the same day. These appointments run every weekday during term time from 1–2.30pm and are held both online or in-person at the Richardson Building, in the Wellbeing Centre.
Find on the NEST student portal all their contact information and booking links.

Wellbeing at Hand
Get the RoeWellbeing App. We have a custom free app for you that gives you direct access to our Wellbeing services and all the information you need about referrals and tools to help you keep track and manage your own wellbeing through your Roehampton life. Download in the Apple app store/ Google play store
Get the Fika app today to start your journey with mental health and emotional fitness. Download in the Apple app store / Google play store for free and use your Roehampton's email address to register this exclusive app and its programmes.

Professional Mental Health Support
Counselling Team
Counselling provides people with the opportunity to talk to a trained professional in a safely held and non-judgmental space. It can help you make sense of your feelings, thoughts, and behaviours. All Counselling appointments can be held in-person, at the Wellbeing Centre in the Richardson Building, or online. Each referral is reviewed thoroughly by the clinicians in the team with three different types of short-term sessions you may be allocated to receive, to make sure your individual needs are supported appropriately.
You can self-refer through the Nest portal, or you can talk to your Wellbeing Officer, to discuss whether seeing a Counsellor could be a good fit for you.
Mental Health Advising Team
Our Mental Health Advisers are a multidisciplinary team of expert clinicians who support students experiencing difficulties related to a specific mental health diagnosis or condition. Their short-term work aims to enhance and strengthen your self-management and coping strategies living with a specific condition, leading to a positive outcome in university life.
The Mental Health Advisers can also facilitate developing external referrals for specialised and longer-term support or treatment as appropriate liaising with you and your doctor/GP.
Talk to your Wellbeing Officer, to discuss whether seeing a Mental Health Advisor could be a good fit for you.
On Campus safety
If you live on campus, you will be supported by a flat rep, who will live either in your flat or in a nearby one, and a college Warden for out of hours wellbeing support. They make sure all our students live in a secure, supportive environment.
We also have security staff working 24-hours a day, seven days a week across our campus. This is one of the reasons why Roehampton is consistently ranked one of the safest universities in London.

Report + Support​
Everyone at Roehampton, whether studying, working, or visiting, has the right to feel safe. Harassment of any kind is completely unacceptable, and our community is an environment where prejudice and socially unacceptable behaviour are never tolerated.
If you would like to be contacted with the offer of support or for the University to take formal action against any individuals identified in your report, we would encourage you to report using contact details. Report + Support - University of Roehampton

Disabilities, learning differences, and long-term health conditions
Roehampton encourages all disabled students to proactively engage with the Disabilities team so we have a full understanding of your needs and the adjustments you require.
They offer 1:1 confidential appointment to discuss your support needs in more detail. Appointments can be arranged in-person or remotely via phone or video call for information on how to contact the team you can email them here.
For new students, we strongly recommend that you get in touch to let them know about your specific disability and support needs. Any information provided will be kept strictly confidential and will only be used to support you with your studies.
Your GP Doctor on Campus
The NHS Student Medical Centre is the on-campus doctor practice for students at the University of Roehampton.
- You do not have to live on campus to register with them.
- Registration is free and online
- You must be registered with a UK doctor (GP) to access most health and mental health services (including some of our Wellbeing team).
They can also arrange for you to receive vaccinations if you are travelling abroad and can refer you to one of the many local specialist medical facilities we have in south-west London.

Financial Stress?
Finances and money can definitely be a cause of worry and stress. If you're concerned about your finances for any reason, whether they are affecting your studies or you are struggling to make ends meet, we're here to help.
Find more information here, and additional resources like the Student Hardship Fund and Emergency Loans can be found here.