100. Annex 2 - Terms of Reference, Membership and Procedures for Programme Examinations Boards and University Awards & Progression Boards
100.1 Internal Programme Examinations Board (Undergraduate & Postgraduate)
100.1.1 Terms of Reference
- Be responsible for the assessment of all modules sponsored by its Programme Board.
- Receive mark lists for all candidates who have been assessed in the sponsored modules.
- Approve the marks and recommendations recorded in the mark lists, and make recommendations for submission to the next relevant Awards & Progression Board of the University.
- Recommend candidates for 'programme termination' in respect of compulsory programme requirements or for other appropriate reasons.
- Recommend candidates for receipt of a `Letter of Warning' in respect of Compulsory programme requirements.
- Ensure that an official version of the agreed mark sheet is completed and signed in accordance with the approved guidance notes.
- Conduct proceedings in accordance with the Academic Regulations and associated procedures of the University.
100.1.2 Membership
Full Members:
- The Chair of the Board
- The Programme Convener
- All teachers of the modules specific to the programme, as indicated by the module code, for which marks have been submitted
- The External Examiner(s) for the programme
Associate Members:
- The Convener of another programme into which modules specific to the programme are currently cross-listed
- Teachers responsible for modules cross-listed into the programme from other programmes
Rights of Attendance:
- Dean of Taught Programmes
- The Dean of the School to which the programme belongs (or his/her nominated alternate)
- The relevant School QASA
- Member(s) of Registry Staff
100.1.3 Procedures
- Each Programme Examinations Board will meet at least twice a year.
- The Programme Examinations Board will be chaired in all cases by the Programme Convener or by a senior academic member of the School nominated by the Dean of School.
- Associate members and the Dean of School may send alternates.
- Associate members and those with rights of attendance may contribute to general discussion, but only full members (as identified above) may take part in formal decisions.
- In the case of the referral/deferment examination session held in August/ September,the Programme Convener together with no fewer than two other full members of the Programme Examinations Board, is empowered to make recommendations with regard to referral candidates on behalf of the full Programme Examinations Board.
- Provision of secretarial support and the production of papers are the responsibility of the School to which the programme belongs.
- After it has been signed by the appropriate people, the official mark sheet, together with any associated disks, must go straight from the Board to Registry without further amendment.
100.2 Programme Examinations Board (Associated Institutions)
100.2.1 Terms of Reference
- Be responsible for the assessment of all modules sponsored by its Programme Board.
- Receive mark lists for all candidates who have been assessed in the sponsored modules.
- Approve the marks and recommendations recorded in the mark lists, and make recommendations for submission to the next relevant Awards & Progression Board of the University.
- Recommend candidates for 'programme termination' in respect of compulsory programme requirements or for other appropriate reasons.
- Recommend candidates for receipt of a `Letter of Warning' in respect of Compulsory programme requirements.
- Ensure that an official version of the agreed mark sheet is completed and signed in accordance with the approved guidance notes.
- Conduct proceedings in accordance with the Academic Regulations and associated procedures of the University.
100.2.2 Membership
Full Members:
- The Chair of the Board
- The Programme Convener
- All teachers of the modules specific to the programme, as indicated by the module code, for which marks have been submitted
- The External Examiner(s) for the programme
- The Moderator nominated by the sponsoring Roehampton School
Associate Members:
- The Convener of another programme into which modules specific to the programme are currently cross-listed
- Teachers responsible for modules cross-listed into the programme from other programmes
Rights of Attendance:
- The Dean of Taught Programmes
- The Dean of the School to which the programme belongs (or her/his nominated alternate)
- The relevant School QASA
- Member(s) of Registry Staff
100.2.3 Procedures
- Each Programme Examinations Board will meet at least twice a year.
- The Programme Examinations Board will be chaired in all cases by an independent senior academic staff of the University.
- Associate members and the Dean of School may send alternates.
- Associate members and those with rights of attendance may contribute to general discussion, but only full members (as identified above) may take part in formal decisions.
- In the case of the referral/deferment examination session held in August/September, the Programme Convener together with no fewer than two other full members of the Programme Examinations Board is empowered to make recommendations with regard to referral candidates on behalf of the full Programme Examinations Board.
- Provision of secretarial support and the production of papers are the responsibility of the School to which the programme belongs.
- After it has been signed by the appropriate people, the official mark sheet, together with any associated disks, must go straight from the Board to Registry without further amendment.
100.3 Foundation Degree Programme Examinations Board
100.3.1 Terms of Reference
- Be responsible for the assessment of all modules sponsored by its Programme Board.
- Receive mark lists for all candidates who have been assessed in the sponsored modules.
- Approve the marks and recommendations recorded in the mark lists, and to make recommendations for submission to the next Foundation Degree Awards & Progression Board of the University.
- Recommend candidates for 'programme termination' in respect of compulsory programme requirements or for other appropriate reasons.
- Recommend candidates for receipt of a `Letter of Warning' in respect of compulsory programme requirements.
- Ensure that an official version of the agreed mark sheet is completed and signed in accordance with the approved guidance notes.
- Conduct proceedings in accordance with the Academic Regulations and associated procedures of the University.
100.3.2 Membership
Full Members:
- The Chair of the Foundation Degree Programme Examinations Board
- The Programme Convener
- All teachers of the modules specific to the programme, as indicated by the module code, for which marks have been submitted
- The External Examiner(s) for the programme
- The Moderator nominated by the sponsoring Roehampton School
Associate Members:
- The Convener of another programme into which modules specific to the programme are currently cross-listed
- Teachers responsible for modules cross-listed into the programme from other programmes
Rights of Attendance:
- The University of Roehampton's Dean of Taught Programmes
- The Dean of the School to which the programme belongs
- The QASA of the sponsoring Roehampton School
- Member(s) of Registry staff from the University and equivalents from the Collaborating Partner
100.3.3 Procedures
- Each Programme Examinations Board will meet at least twice a year.
- The Programme Examinations Board will be chaired in all cases by an independent senior academic member of staff from the University.
- Associate members and the Dean of School may send alternates.
- Associate members and those with rights of attendance may contribute to general discussion, but only full members (as identified above) may take part in formal decisions.
- In the case of the referral/deferment examination session held in August/ September, the Chair, the Programme Convener and at least one other full member of the Programme Examinations Board are empowered to make recommendations with regard to referral candidates on behalf of the full Programme Examinations Board.
- Provision of secretarial support and the production of papers are the responsibility of the Collaborating Partner.
- After it has been signed by the appropriate people, the official mark sheet, together with any associated disks, must go straight from the Board to the University Registry without further amendment.
100.4 Undergraduate Awards & Progression Board
100.4.1 Terms of Reference
- Receive the recommendations from the Undergraduate Programme Examinations Boards in the form of a combined credit and mark profile for each candidate, consisting of all the credits achieved by the candidate together with the marks achieved by the candidate.
- Authorise the recommendations of Undergraduate Programme Examinations Boards in respect of individual module results.
- Authorise eligibility for condonation.
- Make an overall 'pass'/'incomplete'/'terminate' recommendation for each candidate in the light of the information submitted by the Undergraduate Programme Examinations Boards.
- In the case of full-time students, to confirm or withdraw eligibility to continue in the full-time mode.
- Make any other recommendations with regard to the programmes of individual students, including the issuing of a formal Letter of Warning or Letter of Suspension in appropriate circumstances.
- In the case of eligible candidates, to determine awards, degree classifications and certification wording in accordance with Academic Regulations.
- In cases where the target award is a Bachelor's degree, and where an incomplete programme is accompanied by a request for the award of a Certificate of Higher Education or a Diploma of Higher Education, Consider such a request and make a recommendation.
- Make recommendations to the Senate for individual awards.
- Conduct proceedings in accordance with the Academic Regulations and associated procedures of the University.
100.4.2 Membership
Full members:
- The Provost
- Dean of Taught Programmes (Chair)
- School Academic Advisers
- All Undergraduate Programme Conveners
- One external observer
Rights of Attendance:
- University Secretary (Governance)
- University Secretary (Student Administration)
- Registry staff
100.4.3 Procedures
- The Board will meet three times per year.
- The Chair of the Board shall be nominated by the Senate of the University.
- Every Undergraduate Programme Convener is required to be in attendance throughout every meeting of the Board.
- The external observer shall report annually on the proceedings of the Board to Learning, Teaching & Quality Committee.
- In the event of a Programme Convener or an alternate not being present at an Awards & Progression Board, provisional approval of marks may be given by the Board subject to ratification by the Vice-Chancellor in his capacity as Chair of the Senate.
100.5 Foundation Degree Awards & Progression Board
100.5.1 Terms of Reference
- Receive the recommendations from the Foundation Degree Programme Examinations Boards in the form of a combined credit and mark profile for each candidate, consisting of all the credits achieved by the candidate together with the marks achieved by the candidate.
- Authorise the recommendations of the Foundation Degree Programme Examinations Boards in respect of individual module results.
- Authorise eligibility for condonation.
- Make an overall 'pass'/'incomplete'/'terminate' recommendation for each candidate in the light of the information submitted by the Foundation Degree Programme Examinations Boards.
- In the case of full-time or part-time (employment-based) students, to confirm or withdraw eligibility to continue in the full-time or part-time (employment-based) modes.
- Make any other recommendations with regard to the programmes of individual students, including the issuing of a formal Letter of Warning or Letter of Suspension in appropriate circumstances.
- In the case of eligible candidates, to determine awards, eligibility for Merit or Distinction and certification wording in accordance with Academic Regulations.
- In cases where an incomplete programme is accompanied by a request for the award of a Certificate of Higher Education, to consider such a request and make a recommendation.
- Make recommendations to the University Senate.
- Conduct proceedings in accordance with the Academic Regulations and associated procedures of the University.
100.5.2 Membership
Full members:
- The Provost of Roehampton University
- Roehampton University's Dean of Taught Programmes
- The Dean(s) of the sponsoring Roehampton School(s) (or his/her nominated alternate)
- The QASA of the sponsoring Roehampton School
- All Foundation Degree Programme Conveners
- One External Observer
Rights of Attendance:
- All Foundation Degree Moderators
- The University Secretary (Governance)
- Members of Registry staff from the University and the Collaborating Partner
100.5.3 Procedures
- The Board will meet three times per year.
- The Chair of the Board shall be nominated by the University Senate.
- Every Foundation Degree Programme Convener is required to be in attendance throughout every meeting of the Board.
- The external observer shall report annually on the proceedings of the Board to the University's Learning, Teaching & Quality Committee.
- In the event of a Programme Convener or an alternate not being present at an Awards & Progression Board, provisional approval of marks may be given by the Board subject to ratification by the University Vice-Chancellor in his capacity as Chair of the University Senate.
100.6 Postgraduate Awards & Progression Board
100.6.1 Terms of Reference
- Receive the recommendations from the Postgraduate Programme Examinations Boards in the form of a combined credit and mark profile for each candidate, consisting of all the credits achieved by the candidate together with the marks achieved by the candidate.
- Authorise the recommendations of Postgraduate Programme Examinations Boards in respect of individual module results.
- Make an overall 'pass'/'incomplete'/'terminate' recommendation for each candidate in the light of the information submitted by the Postgraduate Programme Examinations Boards.
- Make any other recommendations with regard to the programmes of individual students, including the issuing of a formal Letter of Warning or Letter of Suspension in appropriate circumstances.
- In the case of eligible candidates, to determine awards, Distinctions and certification wording in accordance with these Regulations.
- Make recommendations to the Senate for individual awards.
- In the case of eligible candidates, to determine awards, degree classifications and certification wording in accordance with Academic Regulations.
- Conduct proceedings in accordance with the Academic Regulations and associated procedures of the University.
100.6.2 Membership
Full members:
- The Provost
- Dean of Taught Programmes (Chair)
- School Academic Advisers
- All Postgraduate Programme Conveners
- One External Observer
Rights of Attendance:
- The Dean of Research
- The University Secretary (Governance)
- The University Secretary (Student Administration)
- Registry staff
100.6.3 Procedures
- The Postgraduate Awards & Progression Board will meet at least once per year.
- The Chair of the Postgraduate Awards & Progression Board will be nominated by the Senate.
- Every Postgraduate Programme Convener is required to be in attendance throughout every meeting of the Board.
- The external observer will report annually on the proceedings of the Board to Learning, Teaching & Quality Committee.
- In the event of a Programme Convener or an alternate not being present at an Awards & Progression Board, provisional approval of marks may be given by the Board subject to ratification by the Vice-Chancellor in his capacity as Chair of the Senate.
100.7 Certificate & Diploma Awards & Progression Board
100.7.1 Terms of Reference
- Receive the recommendations from the Certificate and Diploma Programme Examinations Boards in the form of a combined credit and mark profile for each candidate, consisting of all the credits achieved by the candidate together with the marks achieved by the candidate.
- Authorise the recommendations of Certificate and Diploma Programme Examinations Boards in respect of individual module results.
- Authorise eligibility for condonation.
- Make an overall 'pass'/'incomplete'/'terminate' recommendation for each candidate in the light of information submitted by the Certificate and Diploma Programme Examinations Boards.
- Make any other recommendations with regard to the programmes of individual students, including the issuing of a formal Letter of Warning or Letter of Suspension in appropriate circumstances.
- In the case of eligible candidates, determine awards, Distinctions and certification wording in accordance with these Regulations.
- Make recommendations to the Senate for individual awards.
- Conduct proceedings in accordance with the Academic Regulations and associated procedures of the University.
100.7.2 Membership
Full members:
- The Deputy Vice-Chancellor
- The Dean of Taught Programmes (Chair)
- All Certificate and Diploma Programme Conveners (except PGCE Programme Conveners)
- One external observer
Rights of Attendance:
- University Secretary (Governance)
- University Secretary (Student Administration)
- Registry staff
100.7.3 Procedures
- The Certificate and Diploma Awards & Progression Board will meet at least twice per year.
- The Chair of the Certificate and Diploma Awards & Progression Board shall be nominated by the Senate.
- Every Certificate and Diploma Programme Convener is required to be in attendance throughout every meeting of the Board.
- The external observer will report annually on the proceedings of the Board to Learning, Teaching & Quality Committee.
- In the case of PGCE awards, the Certificate and Diploma Awards & Progression Board shall delegate its authority to a PGCE Awards & Progression Board.
- In the event of a Programme Convener or an alternate not being present at an Awards & Progression Board, provisional approval of marks may be given by the Board subject to ratification by the Vice-Chancellor in his capacity as Chair of the Senate.
100.8 PGCE Awards & Progression Board
100.8.1 Terms of Reference
- Receive the recommendations from the PGCE Programme Examinations Boards in the form of a combined credit and mark profile for each candidate, consisting of all the credits achieved by the candidate together with the marks achieved by the candidate.
- Authorise the recommendations of PGCE Programme Examinations Boards in respect of individual module results.
- Authorise eligibility for condonation.
- Make an overall 'pass'/'incomplete'/'terminate' recommendation in respect of each candidate in the light of the information submitted by the PGCE Programme Examinations Boards.
- Make any other recommendations with regard to the programmes of individual students, including the issuing of a formal Letter of Warning or Letter of Suspension in appropriate circumstances.
- In the case of eligible candidates, to determine awards, Distinctions and certification wording in accordance with these Regulations.
- Make recommendations to the Senate for individual awards.
- Conduct proceedings in accordance with the Academic Regulations and associated procedures of the University.
100.8.2 Membership
Full Members:
- The Chair of the Certificate and Diploma Awards & Progression Board
- The Primary PGCE Convener
- The Secondary PGCE Convener
- The Dean of School of Education
- Key Stage 2/3 Music Convener
- The Dean of Taught Programmes
Rights of Attendance:
- The University Secretary (Governance)
- The University Secretary (Student Administration)
- Members of Registry staff
100.8.3 Procedures
- The PGCE Programme Examinations Board will meet at least once a year, and where appropriate an interim meeting will also be held.
- The Chair of the PCGE Programme Examinations Board shall be nominated by the Senate.
- In the event of a Programme Convener or an alternate not being present at an Awards & Progression Board, provisional approval of marks may be given by the Board subject to ratification by the Vice-Chancellor in his capacity as Chair of the Senate.