Graduate School Committee



Director of Graduate School [Chair] Dr Ted Vallance
Administrative Representative nominated by Academic Registrar: Emma Flight
A Research Degree Convenor from each Department:     
    Dance Dr Stacey Prickett
    Drama Dr Sarah Gorman
    Education Professor David Hargreaves
    English & Creative Writing Professor Martin Priestman
    Humanities Dr Ted Vallance
    Life Sciences Dr Peter Shaw
    Media, Culture & Language Dr Eva Eppler
    Psychology Professor Cecilia Essau
    Roehampton University Business School Dr Leonard Holmes
    Social Sciences Dr Steven Groarke

President of the Students' Union

Jack Wilcock

Research methods co-ordinators: Sarah Gorman
Barbara Read
Elias Tsakanikos
Four Student Representatives, nominated by the Chair:


Shems Marzouq
Ndebang Joof-Ndong
Katya Vaghi
Other representatives from central services by invitation as appropriate:
Academic Enhancement Department Julie Hall
IT & Media Services Zena Sharples
Library Phil Jones

Secretary, nominated by Academic Registrar

Amy Messenger

Terms of Reference

The Graduate School Committee is responsible for:

1.   co-ordinating the University's programme of research methods and skills training and providing a core central programme of such training;

2.   promoting awareness and understanding within the School of decisions, proposals and developments at School, University and national levels that have significance for the academic life of the Department;

3.   acting as a vehicle for Senate to consult with academic staff and students on a range of issues.

4.   working with academic and support Departments to enhance the experience of research students working at the University;

5.   organizing, regulating and monitoring the provision of research training for research students in collaboration with LTEU; and

6.   organizing, regulating and monitoring the provision of training for research supervisors.

Meeting Frequency

Normally three meetings per academic year.


The Committee will be serviced by a member of staff identified by the Academic Registrar.


Updated: March 2017