Learning, Teaching and Quality Group


  • Chair (appointed by head of department, who may also be a member of the group)
  • Undergraduate, postgraduate and research programme convenors
  • Module tutor representatives
  • Academic Services Manager / Department Business Manager
  • Programme administrator representatives (as required, relative to size and complexity of provision)
  • Department Collaborative Link Tutors
  • Library coordinator
  • International champion
  • Learning services representative
  • Academic enhancement representative
  • Student representative
  • Others as required

Terms of Reference

The Group should:

  • meet at least two times per semester; the meetings should be supported, including minutes by a member of the academic administrative team.
  • coordinate the implementation of University Learning and Teaching strategies and to feed back to Learning, Teaching & Quality Committee (LTQC) issues or concerns arising from implementation.
  • be responsible to LTQC for Department or School level governance of academic provision wherever and however delivered.
  • monitor the delivery of Department or School academic programmes against extant University Learning and Teaching procedures, and to ensure review is undertaken which identifies areas for improvement and opportunities for enhancement. As a result, to represent the views of the Department on all matters relating to learning and teaching development and to assure the quality and standards of academic provision for all of the Department’s academic provision, wherever and however delivered.

The Chair will serve on the LTQC.

The Group is principally

  1. Progress relevant aspects of the University’s Learning & Teaching Strategy in relation to the Departmental Business Plan.
  2. Report to LTQC any issues related to compliance with the quality assurance and / or the academic governance procedures of programme delivery wherever and however delivered.
  3. Coordinate the implementation of policies, procedures and regulations relating to delivery of the academic programme and the student experience and to oversee compliance with the University quality assurance procedures, and, where applicable PSRB requirements.
  4. Monitor and review, on behalf of the department, the adherence of delivery of the academic programme to the above.
  5. Receive and consider data relating to Department or School programme performance and student achievement, including student recruitment criteria, student retention, student achievement and student satisfaction. To report and present findings to LTQC and contribute to the wider university analysis.
  6. Consider, in light of the above, the Department or School programme annual reviews and monitor and approve actions to address areas for improvement, either in relation to conformance to procedures, academic achievement or student experience.
  7. Implement appropriate strategies and arrangements for quality enhancement of programme delivery and the associated outcomes at programme and Department /School level, and to propose to LTQC, enhancements to be considered at the University level.
  8. Facilitate cross-programme curriculum development and proposals for programme development and to recommend approval of the latter.
  9. Consider programme and module modifications and depending on the nature of the modification, approve, or recommend for approval, in line with extant university procedures.
  10. Review and advise on Department and School administrative procedures in relation to management and delivery of taught programmes
  11. Review and advise on Learning Resources provision
  12. Receive and take appropriate action on reports from the Department, School and University on Learning and Teaching matters.
  13. Co-ordinate preparations for QAA and PSRB review
  14. Recommend staff training and development opportunities to enhance all aspects of  learning and teaching
  15. Establish, oversee, and receive reports from its working groups

In all cases, Departmental and School programmes referred to above refer to provision, and associated assurance and governance, leading to a University Award or credit wherever and however delivered.

Approved by Learning & Teaching Quality Committee and Senate

Updated: February 2017