Ethics forms and guidelines

Ethics Forms (Applicants)

To make an Ethics Application you will need to complete the following:

Ethics Application Section 1 and 6 - Collaboration and Data Protection: for collaborative projects where Roehampton is not the lead/ projects approved elsewhere. If using another institutions ethics application documents (rather than needing to complete the Roehampton application form) please also complete this document.

Ethics Application Conditions and Response Sheet: the Ethics Application Conditions and Response Sheet should be used for sending conditions to an applicant; applicants should complete this as well as amending their documentation when addressing the conditions.

Amendment Form. If your project requires minor changes after it has received ethics approval then you will need to compete the Ethics Minor Amendment Form to notify the University of your changes (if there are substantial changes, a new application may be required).

Ethics Form (Internal form for School/Faculty Use)

To process an Ethics Application Schools/Faculties must complete the following Ethics Approval Form and send this to the Research Ethics and Governance Officer:

Guidelines and Further Information